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Ceremony to commemorate the beginning of ITER tool assembly

  • NameKFE
  • Date2020-09-23
  • Hit864



Ceremony to commemorate the beginning of assembly of ITER

President Moon Jae-in congratulatory video message

The assembly of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) will begin in earnest following the ceremony to commemorate the beginning of assembly of ITER held at ITER Organization on July 28, 2020.

This event, which introduced the status of ITER construction and future assembly plans, was streamed live on YouTube around the world with real-time remote connections with each member country. Moon Jae-in, President of the Republic of Korea, celebrated the event in his video message, and heads of other member countries such as Emmanuel Macron, President of the French Republic and Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission also delivered their own video or written greetings.

As key components developed and manufactured by member states so far started to arrive on site, the ITER will enter the assembly phase to put these components together as one device. This process of final assembly and installation of the components with extreme sizes and weights in compliance with strict tolerances and detailed schedules is considered as a scientific and technological challenge at the highest difficulty level. The assembly process is expected to take about four and a half years.

South Korea will supply nine key procurement items that make up the ITER and about 110 Korean industries are participating in the fabrication of these devices. In particular, the country is set to play a crucial role in the start of the assembly of the reactor as it successfully delivered the first vacuum vessel sector, to be first assembled as a key component and the integration of extreme technologies, as well as special assembly tool dedicated to the ITER at the end of June.

South Korea"s nuclear fusion energy experts have demonstrated their outstanding capabilities and leadership by assuming important positions responsible for device and construction at ITER Organization and are expected to play a key role in the assembly of tools as well in the future.


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