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NFRI names 2019 Employee of the Year(May, 2020)

  • NameKFE
  • Date2020-05-25
  • Hit430

Ahn Mu Young, Leader of TBM Technology Team

The NFRI selected Ahn Mu Young, principal researcher, for the “Proud NFRI Employee Award,” given to employees who contributed the most to the development of the institution in 2019.

Dr. Ahn is serving as Leader of the Test Blanket Module (TBM) Technology Team, and has been recognized for his contribution to Korean TBM development by demonstrating tritium breeding capability that can lead to tritium self-sufficiency in a reactor and extraction of high-grade heat suitable for electricity generation, which is one of the main goals for ITER, which is under development as a joint international effort.

In particular, it was highly appreciated that he secured the basis for leading the TBM concept through active research activities, and succeeded in the validation of TBM-scale hydrogen isotope extraction and separation using a cryogenic adsorption process, leading research on the blanket fuel cycle (outer fuel cycle).

Dr. Ahn majored in mechanical engineering at KAIST and joined the post doctorate program at the NFRI and, since joining NFRI in 2007, has led TBM research in the ITER project team as a nuclear fusion expert.


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