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KFE Hosts “2024 Fusion Fan Day”

  • NameKFE
  • Date2024-04-24
  • Hit4,599
KFE Hosts “2024 Fusion Fan Day”
- The Korea Institute of Fusion Energy invites the public to celebrate the “Month for Science”


In celebration of April-the Month for Science-KFE held a public outreach program to showcase fusion energy research facilities.

On April 20th, the Korea Institute of Fusion Energy(KFE) hosted an event called “Fusion Fan Day”and invited members of the public that have shown support and interest in fusion energy research. The event allowed the public to meet fusion researchers and tour KFE’s research facilities.

KFE selected participants through a social media event on their official channels, and 80 participants including aspiring fusion researchers, students interested in fusion visited KFE from across the country. 

The event included a talk concert by Dr. Jinseok Go, Dr. Hyun Jung Lee, and Dr. Dohee Lee, focusing on the current state and achievements in the field of fusion energy research. KSTAR’s research achievements, recently highlighted in the media along with stories about fusion energy research and cutting-edge technology such as artificial intelligence and robots, captivated the audience.

Furthermore, researchers shared their lived experiences and provided genuine career advice for the young attendees who aspire to become future fusion energy researchers.

KSTAR, known as Korea’s artificial sun and having achieved remarkable results with its upgrade to tungsten divertors last year, was showcased to the participants.


Participants, previously familiar with the KSTAR only through media, had the opportunity to tour it in person and expressed their amazement at its scientific advancements. They also expressed hope that Korean researchers would demonstrate greater successes in harnessing fusion energy. 

Eunhee Kwon, team lead of the Communications and Cooperation Team at KFE expressed her hope that “this event has served as an opportunity to address some of the public’s questions about fusion energy research and KSTAR’, and she added,“KFE is committed to continually striving for closer communication with the public through various online and offline events”.

KFE is Korea’s only research institution specializing in fusion energy research, aimed at realizing fusion energy as a sustainable and clean, massive energy source. KFE holds numerous events throughout the year both online and offline to actively communicate with members of the public that support and are interested in fusion energy.


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