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Ambassador Colin Crooks LVO, British Ambassador to the Republic of Korea visits KFE

  • NameKFE
  • Date2023-07-18
  • Hit12,455

Following the Korea-UK Joint Committee Meeting on Science and Technology Cooperation (JCM) held in June, British Ambassador to the Republic of Korea Colin Crooks LVO visited the Korea Institute for Fusion Energy(KFE) on July 18th.

Ambassador Colin Crooks remarked that the Republic of Korea is a key partner of the United Kingdom and both nations hold great potential for scientific cooperation, and that he hopes to learn about where Korea’s fusion energy technology is today and to seek out possible opportunities for ROK-U.K. cooperation. 

KFE President Dr. Suk Jae Yoo warmly answered that KFE truly welcomes the Ambassador and the U.K. delegation and that the U.K. is an important partner in KFE’s work. He also remarked that KFE wishes for cooperation between Korea and the U.K. to expand. 


After exchanging pleasantries and listening to an overview of South Korea’s Fusion Energy program by KFE Vice President Dr. Si-Woo Yoon, discussions progressed into matters of cooperation.

Ambassador Crooks and the U.K. delegation inquired if there were additional fields where the two nations could cooperate beyond current cooperative research projects. Additionally, the U.K. delegation expressed interest in how South Korean businesses were participating in fusion energy development and various fields required for building a demonstration reactor. 

The U.K. delegation and researchers from KFE also discussed the current state of U.K.’s fusion energy research. Ambassador Crooks remarked that the U.K. has set energy security as a key policy topic and is eagerly pursuing the STEP program-among others-to actualize fusion energy development to illustrate the U.K. government’s strong commitment to fusion energy development.



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