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Promoting International Cooperation for the Fusion of Plasma and Bio Technology

  • NameKFE
  • Date2024-05-17
  • Hit3,567

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KFE-KAERI-CMU Memorandum of Arrangement Signed

International R&D cooperation to apply plasma technology to food & agriculture and biology sectors to produce high-functioning bio-materials.

The Korea Institute of Fusion Energy(KFE), the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute(KAERI), and Chiang Mai University(CMU) have signed the ‘Memorandum of Arrangement for Research in the Fields of Agriculture and Bio Application Among Korea Atomic Energy Institute, Korea Institute of Fusion Energy, and Chiang Mai University’ on May 16th.

At the singnig ceremony, around 20 participants were present including Yong Sup Choi, the Director of the Institute of Plasma Technology at KFE, Jae Sang Lee, the Director of Korea Multi-purpose Accelerator Complex(KOMAC) at KAERI, and Pitiwat Wattanachai, Director of the Science & Technology Park(STeP) at Chiang Mai University in Thailand

Bio-materials refers to materials derived from biological sources such as plants, animals, and microorganisms. These materials can be processed and formulated for use in various industries, including healthcare, beauty, and food. There is increasing trend in the research and development of bio-materials, driven by the potential to add significant value and explore new markets by utilizing by-products that previously had low value or by developing additional processes.

Under this arrangement, the three institutions will apply plasma technology from the Institute of Plasma Technology and proton accelerator technology from KOMAC to Chinang Mai University’s agricultural and biological fields. This collaboration seeks to secure high-performing bio-materials through joint research in the processing and cultivating of bio-materials. 

In particular, research will focus on bio-material processing technologies utilizing plasma technology, biomaterial processing technologies utilizing proton accelerator technology, and biomaterial processing technologies that integrate both plasma and proton accelerator technologies.

MOA Group

The three institutions plan to cooperate actively through the exchange of necessary research materials and personnel, joint attendance at academic conferences, mutual online and offline education, and the identification of international collaborative research projects.

Dr. Oh Yeong-kook, President of KFE, stated “KFE has achieved significant results in enhancing agriculture and food production, and activating bio-materials through research on plasma application technology. We hope this arrangement will expand the applicability of plasma technology in the food & agriculture and biomaterials sectors and serve as an opportunity for new markets to be developed through international cooperation.”


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