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[iFPC 2022] 1st International Fusion and Plasma Conference

  • NameKFE
  • Date2022-07-22
  • Hit13,280

Dear All participants of the iFPC 2022,

We invite you to the first International Fusion and Plasma Conference (iFPC 2022) to be held in Jeju, Korea from August 22-26, 2022.

*Conference: 1st  International Fusion and Plasma Conference (iFPC 2022)

*Date: August 22(Mon.) – 26(Fri.), 2022

*Venue: Haevichi Hotel, Jeju, Korea

*Conference topic

1) Fusion Science

2) Fusion Technology

3) Plasma Fundamentals

4) Plasma Applications

5) Accelerators and Laser-plasma

*Organized by

- The Korea Physical Society - Division of Plasma Physics

- Korea Accelerator and Plasma Research Association

- The Korean Vacuum Society

- Korea Fusion University Association

- Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics

*Supported by: Korea Institute of Fusion Energy (KFE)

*iFPC 2022 Secretariat

- Tel. +82-42-331-4295

- Email   secretariat@i-fpc.org

- Website  https://i-fpc.org

Please give us a lot of encouragement and support so that we can hold iFPC 2022 successfully.

Looking forward to seeing you in the Jeju, Korea.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.



Wonho Choe

Conference Chair

Professor, KAIST

Yongkyoon In

Conference Vice-Chair

Professor, UNIST

Si-Woo Yoon

Conference Vice-Chair

Director, KSTAR RC., KFE

  • pdf 첨부파일 iFPC2022_POSTER.pdf (68.82MB / Download 373회) Download


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