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[ICPP 2020] To hold 20th International Congress on Plasma Physics(May, 2020)

  • NameKFE
  • Date2020-05-25
  • Hit710

From November 29 to December 4, 2020, the 20th International Congress on Plasma Physics will be held at HICO in Gyeongju Hwabaek Convention Center with participation of over 380 experts from over 30 countries around the world.

This is an academic conference held to resolve the challenges in the field of nuclear fusion plasma physics, improve research capabilities in related fields at home and abroad, nurture new talents, and diversify and internationalize various educational programs to contribute to the development of domestic science and technology and industry.

The main schedule of the congress is as follows;

Abstract Submission Deadline:

Aug. 31, 2020

Final Notice of Abstract Acceptance:

Sep. 10, 2020

Travel Award Application Deadline:

Sep. 25, 2020

Early Registration Deadline:

Sep. 25, 2020

Late Registration Opens:

Sep. 26, 2020


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