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용역 종료 ITER 기구 기술용역 공고

  • 작성자정지영
  • 등록일2024-04-16
  • 공고기간2024-04-16 ~ 2024-04-30

유럽에서 각 회원국들을 상대로 첨부의 과업을 진행 할 수 있는 업체를 찾고 있습니다. 

과업 내용을 확인하시고 아래 메일 내용을 참고하시어 참여가 가능하다고 판단되시면 아래 링크에 접속하시어 관련 정보를 넣어 주시기 바랍니다.

□ 공고개요

ㅇ 종 류 : F4E 요청(looking for capacities to manufacture the CTS outside Europe.)

ㅇ 과업명칭 : Manufacturing Readiness Review and/or the Manufacturing of the ITER 

Collective Thomson Scattering (CTS), a Radio frequency component for the Diagnostics which is 

in the scope of Europe.

ㅇ 주요 과업 범위 : 첨부 참조

ㅇ 참여 Link https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/ITER_COLLECTIVE_THOMSON_SCATTERING_CTS 

ITER 사업단 국제입찰 담당 드림-


----- Original Message -----
From : Daval Mehdi (F4E) <mehdi.daval@f4e.europa.eu>
To : "yukimasa@gst.go.jp" <yukimasa@gst.go.jp>, "sugimoto.makoto@qst.go.jp" <sugimoto.makoto@qst.go.jp>, "kjjung@kfe.re.kr" <kjjung@kfe.re.kr>, "bigmaco@kfe.re.kr" <bigmaco@kfe.re.kr>, "mccarthyka@ornl.gov" <mccarthyka@ornl.gov>, "wangm@iterchina.cn" <wangm@iterchina.cn>, "ujjwal.baruah@iterindia.in" <ujjwal.baruah@iterindia.in>, "sarbjeet.singh@iterindia.in" <sarbjeet.singh@iterindia.in>
Cc :
Sent : 2024-04-11 23:41:16
Subject : ITER: looking for capacities to manufacture the CTS outside Europe.

Dear ITER Industry Liaison Officers,


You may have seen me connected during one of the last ILOs meeting with Iter Organisation, representing the European Domestic Agency Fusion For Energy F4E.


We have just published a Worldwide Market Survey for the manufacturing Readiness Review and/or the Manufacturing of the ITER Collective Thomson Scattering (CTS), a Radio frequency component for the Diagnostics which is in the scope of Europe.


We would like to know the non-European actors on that niche market in order to assess if we could publish a Worldwide Call For Tender where they could offer to us.


I attach the Technical Note describing the components, and below is the hyperlink to answer to our survey:



Do you know a company in your country that would be capable and interested?

May I ask you the favour to forward that market survey to your national industry members interested in ITER, please?

Our idea is to exchange by videoconference with them after they answer to this survey.


Thank you very much,


Best regards,





Market Analysis Officer

MAG- Commercial Department

Josep Pla 2
Torres Diagonal Litoral B3
08019 Barcelona
Tel. +34 93 489 74 54


F4E Industry Portal: https://industryportal.f4e.europa.eu/

  • docx 첨부파일 CTS TECH NOTE MARKET SURVEY-MARCH 2024_PUBLISHED (1).docx (3.58MB / 다운로드 144회) 다운로드


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